The selection process is complete. Emails have been sent to both selected OLD and NEW students. (Updated-01-Jan-2025).
Applications start every year on the 1st week of July.
Eligibility for Scholarship :
* Applicant's home district must be Narsingdi and within their academic session.
* Pre-graduate Students must be in the field of Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Agricultural Science, Business Management and Other Allied Technical Subjects.
* Private University/Institution’s students are not eligible. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY.
* Only studying in Undergraduate program students are eligible for scholarship, SSC/HSC students are not eligible.
For better performance of the website, avoid using mobile phone browser, use computer/laptop. Visit our website's FAQ page and read throughly for detail about new scholarship application submission and renewal process click here to see the FAQ. Before reading the full FAQ, please do not call or e-mail us. We hope you will find all your answers there. Thank you.